Semper Fi & America’s Fund
Year Founded:
PO Box 555193
Camp Pendelton, CA 92055
Top Leadership Pay:
Founder and President, Karen Guenther, $257,732
Based on its 2023 tax return, we calculate that Semper Fi & America’s Fund spent 90.7 percent of its $49.6 million budget on programs and 9.3 percent on overhead. This meets our recommendation that a highly recommended charity spend at least 90 percent of its budget on programs.
Semper Fi & America’s Fund filed four transactions with interested persons. $82,000 was paid for employee compensation to Charo Bates, who has a family relationship with a charity director. $80,550 was paid for employee compensation to Cicely Kent-Warren, who has a family relationship with a charity director. $75,261 was paid for employee compensation to Matthew Rocco, who has a family relationship with a key charity employee. $89,105 was paid for employee compensation to Christopher Saylor, who has a family relationship with a key charity employee. $17,323 was paid for employee compensation to Brooke Guenther, who has a family relationship with a key charity employer.
We did not detect any issues with Semper Fi & America’s Fund when screening the organization. Read more about our rating system here.
Mission Statement
The Fund is dedicated to providing immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to our nation’s critically wounded, ill, and injured service members, veterans, and military families.
Annual Tax Forms: 990 Filings
990 Form