About Us

Charities for Vets is a project of the RAM Veterans Foundation, founded in 2022. RAM Veterans Foundation is named after Robert Alexander Mercer (RAM). Robert died on November 11, 1944 during the battle to liberate France from the Nazi occupation. He is among the 5,255 U.S. military dead who are buried at the Epinal American Cemetery in France. Most of these brave young men lost their lives across Northeastern France and beyond during the winter of 1944-1945. The RAM Veterans Foundation is dedicated to Robert and others who gave their lives in defense of America and our allies.

For general inquiries, contact us at [email protected].

We are committed to accuracy. If you represent a charitable organization that wishes to dispute our profile or provide additional information, contact us at [email protected].

The Power of the Multiplier

When we spend money to educate Americans, our efforts generate a significant shift in giving patterns: Poorly rated veterans charities take in less, and highly rated organizations collect more. A dollar spent on our campaigns can redirect 5, 10, 20 or even 30 dollars to efficient organizations, taking away funding from the most wasteful charities. That makes a huge difference in the lives of veterans and their families.

How We Reach Donors

Our research produces specialized reports with regular updates; we promote those reports to the public through the media. We offer our findings through press releases, online videos, op-eds, social media, and direct outreach to reporters and TV producers. View all of our advertisements online here.

The latest information is available on our website, CharitiesForVets.org. We raise awareness of our findings by purchasing advertising in national newspapers, and on cable TV and talk radio. We intensify our paid media outreach during peak holiday seasons when charitable giving tends to increase.

Read About How We’re Unique

Advisory Board

Peter T. Metzger

USMC, Ret.

Mike Flanagan
USA, Ret.

Sali Gear
USN, Ret.

Bill Hellman
Chief Warrant Officer (3)

Kirk S. Lippold
USN, Ret.

Elizabeth H. Scott
Lieutenant Colonel
USAF, Ret.

Matthew B. Smith
Lieutenant Colonel
USA, Ret.

William L. Smith
USMC, Ret.

John Robert Stark
Lieutenant Colonel
USA, Ret.

Alphonso Trimble
USMC, Ret.

John “JV” Venable
USAF, Ret.

Frank Wickersham III
USMC, Ret.

Paul T. Mikolashek
Lieutenant General
USA, Ret.

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Rick Berman on NewsNation's Morning in America